Tickle the ear drum, tickle the ivories

I recently had a tympanoplasty done in my right ear, and while I wasn’t originally planning on writing something about it, here’s one thing I learned:

Since the operation about 10 days ago, I have had a renewed desire to play piano in a way I haven’t felt in years. This despite not being able to hear out of one ear.

I think it’s pretty obvious why: the week before I flubbed several pieces I used to know by heart in a failed attempt to impress a date who came over to the apartment. The sudden threat to my hearing has imposed a sense of urgency or present awareness of my limitations and the need to enjoy such things in the here and now (the “hear and now”).

While the tympanoplasty in no way presented a threat to my mortality, and at worst it seems like my hearing will be impaired for about six weeks-two months, the non-zero threat of significant hearing loss is an early reminder not to take skills and opportunities for granted. There’s “always more time” to procrastinate and set aside tasks, even those we nominally enjoy. Until there isn’t. I ain’t no Beethoven.

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