A Quick Weekday Wangdoodle

I bought new sunglasses yesterday. Tomorrow, I’ll post a picture of them.

There was a great east/west divide about their sex appeal. The Koreans loved it, in particular the seventh grade boys. Lucky me. One of them offered to set me up, I think he’s already suggested that.

Two nights in a row I’ve been interrupted by very drunk Koreans trying to practice their bad English because they think it’s funny and they wouldn’t leave me alone. The second night my secret admirer at Dorothy Cafe had to shoo them away. Thank you, secret admirer.

That gives me a whole new reason to learn Korean, so I can tell people like that to ‘fuck off’ in their own language.

My turtles Jinhee and Han are still alive. Yesterday I got rocks for them, from broken part of the pavement. When I woke up this morning, Han was sunning himself on top of the rocks. I should have taken a picture. Oh well.

I had about ten things to do that I wrote down last night, and I didn’t do any of them. But at least I made a list.

1 Comment

  1. Phil Carter says:

    Your mother wrote a letter to the Spotlight so now everyone in Delmar will be reading yourr blog. I worked with your mother at Matthew Bender when you were born so I was a little shocked to find that you were teaching in Korea. Sounds like a great adventure.

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